Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest, and lowliest, and lost.
这是你得脚凳, 你在最贫最贱最失所得人群中歇足。
Nearly all maintenance work on the aircraft could be done without using a ladder or footstool.
Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest, and the lowliest, and the lost.
这是你的脚凳, 你驻足歇息在最贫贱最流离失所的人群中。
She sank into the easy chair, put her feet up on the footstool, and allowed herself to doze off, just for a bit.
When the Lord and Master returned with his heavenly attendants, he did not notice the tailor behind the door, but when he sat down on his seat, the footstool was missing.