单词 harden 例句大全,用单词harden造句:

The practical result was to harden the battle lines.
The soft concrete will harden till it is like stone.
You may leave the jelly in a cool place to harden it.
Occasionally, the virus may cause footpads to harden.
有时, 此病毒还会引起脚垫发硬。
That fire, which all things melts, should harden ice.
The same heat that melt the wax, will harden the clay.
热既可熔化蜡, 又可使粘土变硬。
The same heat that melts the wax will harden the clay.
热能融化蜡, 却也能使黏土变硬。
Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement.
在水中变硬的能在水下定型并变硬的, 如波特兰水泥
In extreme cases, the tissue will turn white and harden.
极端情况下, 受冻组织会变白并硬化。
Sorrow and trouble either soften the heart or harden it.
悲哀和烦恼不是使人心软, 就是使人心狠。
God forbid that I should tell you to harden your hearts.
Melted metal is poured into a mold to harden into shape.
To quench steel is that hot steel is quenched to harden it.
Be thankful to those who hurt me, for they harden my will.
Please harden in the main ropes, the sails not tight enough!
请把主要的绳索拉紧些, 帆扯得不够紧!
I became awfully lonely when I was trying to harden my heart.
我试图做到冷酷无情的时候, 我感到十分孤独。
troops who had been seasoned in combat.See Synonyms at harden
These minerals form crystals and harden the plaque structure.
Therefore, she shall harden her heart and deliver punishment!
因此, 她要很冷酷的实行惩罚。
Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it.
Why do you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh did?
你们为何硬着心像埃及人和法老一样? ?
Then pour some liquid gelatin into that mould and let it harden.
Their action can only serve to harden the attitude of landowners.
You'd better harden in the ropes, the sails are not tight enough!
你最好拉紧大绳, 帆绷得还不够紧。
He saw her expression harden, the emotion draining from her face.
他看见她脸上的神情先是凝固了, 接着就渐渐褪

单词 harden 释义

  • 单词释义:使硬化;使经得起考验;使无情;使轮廓鲜明  [更多..]



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