单词 has 例句大全,用单词has造句:

The Office has prepared a draft Money Laundering Law which has been submitted for adoption.
The coach has changed, the system has changed, and the point guard has his moptop back.
And the reason their information has any value is, well, because no one else has access to it.
他们的信息具有价值的原因 是因为别人没有办法获取它
There has been no response to the disappearance, and not one person has been held accountable.
At 68, , his hair has thinned, his middle has thickened, and the basso voice has grown rheumy.
他68岁, 头发稀疏, 腰围已宽, 男低音的嗓子变的粘粘糊糊了。
Rio has maintained it has complied with its obligations and has rights to the whole concession.
力拓坚称, 它恪守了自己的义务, 因此有权拥有全部的采矿权。
He has many ways to become rich and has accumulated a lot of money through his business efforts.
This is not surprising as the rural population has grown but the available farm acreage has not.
Man has discovered flight, he has discovered atomic energy, but he has failed to discover himself.
人已经发明了飞行, 发现了原子能, 但他还未能发现自己。
And that is an Erlenmeyer flask that has been filled with chlorine and sodium has been added to it.
He has been accepted as an undergraduate student, and has finally realized his long-cherished dream!
That Shanghai has changed greatly in recent years has won admiration from people all over the world.
Du Lin has demonstrated the speed advantage, also has contributed 13 points and 5 secondary attacks.
where, although the presentment has been irregular, acceptance has been refused on some other ground.
The crisis of youth that has swept the world has affected countries with different political systems.
In every field, knowledge has exploded, but it has brought complexity, it has brought specialization.
在各个领域都有知识爆炸 情况更加复杂 专业性更强
The incidence of the disease has dropped sharply since the practice of cannibalism has been abandoned.
但自从同类相食的行为被抛弃后, 这种病的发生率锐减。
Deli multidrill has been elaborately made. It has multiple purposes with high speed and fine accuracy.
He has been addicted to books since his childhood, and has been supported by his parents and superiors.
This National Conference has been a very good one. It has successfully accomplished the scheduled tasks.
这次党的全国代表会议开得很好, 圆满完成了预定的任务。
She has grown so accustomed to snakebites since infancy that she loses sleep if she has not been bitten.
她从小就被蛇咬习惯了, 蛇不咬, 她睡不着。
After the infill drilling adjustment, the production has been increased and water cut has been declined.
加密调整后油田产油量增加, 含水下降。
The school affiliated factory has good economic performance and has employed a number of laid-off workers.
Spiritual Healing has been moved to Tier Six. Note Improved Smite has been rolled into a Tier Four ability.
The draft,which has just been presented,has been accepted in order to discharge the balance in your favour.

单词 has 释义

  • 单词释义:有( have的第三人称单数 );(亲属关系中)接受;拿;买到  [更多..]



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