单词 petals 例句大全,用单词petals造句:

Leaflet blades densely pubescent, margin of calyx and petals entire.
The phantoms of those faces in the crowd petals on a wet black bough
Petals broadly ovate, slightly shorter than sepals, shortly stalked.
Petals white or pink, broadly ovate, slightly oblique, furfuraceous.
花瓣白色或粉红色, 宽卵形, 稍偏斜, 软鳞片状。
She held up her wet arms full of white petals and broad flat leaves.
Petals yellow, obovate, slightly longer than sepals, apex emarginate.
petals green, light yellow or greenish yellow, ovate, base attenuate.
花瓣绿色, 浅黄或者黄绿色, 卵形, 基部渐狭。
Petals 4 or 5, free, deciduous after anthesis or sometimes persistent.
花瓣4或5, 离生, 花后脱落或有时宿存。
Petals red or white, basally connate and strongly adnate to androecium.
Petals yellowish, spatulate, apex truncate, slightly longer than sepals.
花瓣淡黄, 匙形的, 先端截形, 稍长于萼片。
Petals unequal in length, 68 mm, abaxially puberulent, incised at apices.
花瓣不等长, 68毫米, 背面的被微柔毛, 锐裂的在顶端。
Stamens numerous, basally connate into a short tube and adnate to petals.
Composed of or arranged in two distinct whorls,as the petals of a flower.
keel cucullate, or arched, longer than lateral petals, without appendages.
Its silky petals and subtly sweet aroma make it a celebrity among blossoms.
Petals yellowish, oblong, with an elongate narrowly inflexed apex, glabrous.
花瓣淡黄, 长方形, 有拉长狭内折的顶, 无毛。
Petals pink to reddish purple, apex oblique with 1 glandular trichome at tip.
花瓣粉红色给红紫色, 先端歪具具腺在顶部。
keel longer than lateral petals, apex with 0 flabelliform crested appendages.
Add rose petals, press into molds, and allow to dry 23 hours before unmolding.
Petals obovate, slightly longer than stamens, clawed at base, apex emarginate.
And when all my petals lie on the ground, then the sun will burn them to ashes.
而当所有花瓣着地, 太阳就会把它们烧成灰。
b. The huge sunlight flamed like a monstrous dahlia with petals of yellow fire.
Flowers bisexual. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white, apex with incurved lobule.
花两性萼齿不明显花瓣白色, 先端具弯曲的小裂片。
When the rose withers , yts fallen petals pave the way into broche bed for love.
愿你能够事业有成, 愿天下所有的有情人都能够终成眷侣。
; sepals ovate; petals white, lanceolate or long ovate, apex acuminate or obtuse.

单词 petals 释义

  • 单词释义:花瓣( petal的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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