单词 set over 例句大全,用单词set over造句:

This classic skate has set the Rink Standard for over 40 years.
Pat took apart the TV set and spread the bits all over the carpet.
帕特拆开电视机, 把零件散置在地毯上。
Set bowl over saucepan of barely simmering water and whisk in wine.
Set it over medium heat, and add a couple of tablespoons of butter.
The set of all strings over a finite alphabet can be generated by it.
Mr Formica presided over his first set of annual results in February.
Over the years backward integration and also set up cotton ginneries.
多年来, 工厂经过整合, 并成立列棉花轧花厂。
There is also a charming tea house set in a pavillion over the water.
This set of furniture is durable. They have had it for over 30 years.
a pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or TV set
Tail is docked and well set on, carried gaily but never over the back.
The total amount of money bet on an event or over a set period of time.
say over, the tortoise cut a taxi, combining to set out to destination.
We found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, went on board and set sail.
遇见一只船, 要往腓尼基去, 就上船起行。
She would not cry over split milk, but quickly set about mopping it up.
她从不吃后悔药, 而是立即采取补救措施。
But our destination was farther still, over another set of steep hills.
可是我们的目的地还远, 还在另一片陡峭大山的后面。
People watch the sun set over the Dune of Sunset in northeastern Brazil.
在巴西东北部, 人们在沙丘上观看日落美景。
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.
The weighted star ordering in morphism set over a category is introduced.
Set out and up, over, and down images with simple or animated transitions.
Tail set high, plumed and carried in a gay curl over the back when moving.
尾巴位置高, 有大量羽状饰毛, 运动时, 尾巴欢快地卷在背后。
He set up a claim to jurisdiction over Byland on the ground of affiliation.
Aggregation over a set of values that are not all guaranteed to be nonnull.
This raises a further set of questions that we will consider over the term.
这带出了我们将在本学期, 进一步讨论的问题。
Permanent set is one method by which the contact force decreases over time.
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单词 set over 释义

  • 单词释义:置于…上,指派…管理,移交  [更多..]



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