单词 shift down 例句大全,用单词shift down造句:

to shift up/ down
升一挡/ 降一挡
Disable a previous shift up or shift down.
For the graveyard shift. When he heard me coming down the.
As you slow to a stop, shift down to a low, starting gear.
当你慢下车来要停车的时候, 把档位置调至起动档。
All Bubbles above the bursted group will fall down and shift right.
She pulled a soiled shift down over her head and shook her hair out.
她把一件脏裙子从头上套了进去, 再从领口甩出长发。
He predicts that several majors will be brought down by the digital shift.
If driving a car with a manual transmission,shift up early and shift down late!
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