单词 shot down 例句大全,用单词shot down造句:

Five enemy aircraft have been shot down over the coast.
The bird had been shot down in flight, ie while flying.
Jake grabs the glass, SLAMS down the shot as they cheer.
The plane was shot down in error by an American missile.
The criminal shot down at the ground to frighten everyone.
Shot straight down, so these are the shadows of the camels.
Three out of a formation of eight were shot down in flames.
在八架编队飞行的机群中, 有三架被击落烧毁。
The boy knuckled down took aim and shot for the centre hole.
男孩把指关节贴在地上瞄准, 然后把弹子朝中心洞打去。
The wings of the bird fluttered after it had been shot down.
The good bow is put away when the birds have been shot down.
发了狂, 红了眼飞鸟尽, 良弓藏。
They shot down three enemy planes in their first engagement.
The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.
He dribbled down the court, then rushed to the basket and shot.
An enemy plane is reported to have been shot down into the sea.
The hairs on his mane bristled and a shiver shot down his spine.
它的鬃毛直立起来, 脊柱在微微颤动。
Sam tried to give his opinion, but was soon shot down in flames.
山姆试图提出他的意见, 但很快就被断然否定了。
The wing of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.
The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.
这只鸟被射下后, 翅膀仍在鼓动。
Well, maybe Kobe could do it. If he shot every time down the floor.
恩, 也许科比例外, 他能做到, 如果每一次投篮都由他执行的话。
Wretch the terrible deed of the wretch who shot down the president.
The plane was shot down into the sea and people in it were drowned.
飞机被击落坠海, 全机人员惨遭灭顶之灾。
After I drink a shot of whiskey, I chase it down with a sip of coke.
We have a solution that will allow you to order the plane shot down.
He took out his magic bow and arrows and shot down nine of the suns.
Did I ever tell you about the time I got shot down by the red baron?
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