单词 side street 例句大全,用单词side street造句:

On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops.
He walked nervously to the corner and hurried down a side street.
While walking along a side street, Dick was mugged by two youths.
Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street.
The mother at this child very surprisedly from side of the street.
Take the first street on the leave hand side and go straight ahead.
The mother with a baby in her arm is on the other side of the street.
The northern side of connaught road central west of rumsey street, hk
干诺道中北面, 林士街以西, 信德中心旁
That is clearly at home the other side of the street,but lack leaves.
On the far side of the street was a restaurant that looked acceptable.
In England, cars, buses and bikes must keep to the side of the street.
说明了在英国车行左道, 人行右道。
That is clearly at home the other side of the street, but lack leaves.
那分明是家那边的街道, 少的是落叶。
I walked across the street and sat down in the cool grass be side her.
我穿过街道, 坐到她旁边的清凉的草地上。
She got angry at me and left me high and dry on the side of the street.
她对我生气了, 甩头就走, 把我丢在街道上不管。
Boss, look, the girl, on the opposite side of the street, is very nice.
They have blocked off all side streets giving access to the main street.
Many trees are planted by people on either side of the street each year.
Whosever car is parked along this side of the street will be towed away.
They followed the officer back down the boulevard and down a side street.
他们跟随那个官员走过主街, 进入到一条侧道。
This is Number 6, so Number 13 must be on the opposite side of the street.
He got lost from his mother and was crying alone at the side of the street.
Jack was driving on a street with tall palm trees on either side of the road.
She stopped at a fruit stand on the side of the street and bought some fruits.
There are two rows of Simon poplars growing neatly on either side of the street.
On the southern side of Ming Fung Street at its junction with Sheung Fung Street
位于鸣凤街南面, 在其与双凤街交界处
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