单词 provided information 例句大全,用单词provided information造句:

It provided technique methods for information obtaining of Jingluo of digital human body.
To perform design work of fixture using information provided by design drawing or customer.
an annual update of statistical information will be provided according to the agreed format.
The information provided will be used for the processing of CYC membership profile purposes.
申请人所提供的资料, 将用于公益少年团团员纪录的用途。
Demonstrator should prepare a checklist on the information provided from the Project leader.
I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate.
NO LEGAL ADVICE The information provided on this web site is not intended to be legal advice.
This corresponds to the information provided by the complainant to the Norwegian authorities.
Standard Specification for Physical Information to be Provided for Amusement Rides and Devices
A library of Chinese characters is provided to display menus and other information in Chinese.
带有小型汉字库, 能提供全中文菜单和各种信息。
The following information is provided by the Dim Sum TV and posted by Student Affairs Section.
以下资料由点心卫视提供, 学生事务处代传。
This is similar to the layers of information provided in a blueprint of any physical structure.
The information provided shall be deemed correct and accurate without any prior written consent.
Information was provided on the provision of various psychosocial instruments to assist parents.
Exchange of information and technical assessments provided by experts on genetics and bioethics.
I, hereby declare that the information provided on this declaration is true knowledge and belief.
本人, 仅此声明以下所提供之资料均为真实及准确。
I hereby declare all the information provided here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I declare that all information provided above is correct and accurate, and the photo attachedmyself.
本人声明, 以上信息全部准确, 填写无误, 确属本人照片。
I hereby wish to participate in the above programme and certify the information provided is correct.
我意愿参加此次活动, 并在此证明以上所填内容正确。
We commend the Secretariat for its efforts, even though the information provided is somewhat sketchy.
You may freely reprint this information on your website provided the following caption remains intact.
The information provided by the Prince Peace Evangelical Centre on this website is for reference only.
Use the bureau data to review the financial status of claimant vs. information provided on tax return.
In addition, information is also requested on any compensation and rehabilitation provided to victims.
The following information is provided by Cultural Affairs Bureau and posted by Student Affairs Section.
以下资料由文化局提供, 学生事务处代传。
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单词 provided information 释义



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