单词 pull out 例句大全,用单词pull out造句:

How can you pull out of a system that is so convoluted and imbalanced?
Aching teeth you can pull out, but aching hearts, what to do with them?
The circus is planning to pull out of the suburb park tomorrow morning.
When you don't want to pull out the colander, this tool comes in handy.
From the ground, we could see the, plane pull out of its steep descent.
But the driver left leg was firmly stuck in the wheel, do not pull out.
可是司机的左腿被牢牢地卡在了方向盘下, 拽不出来。
Pull out polishing wire with the lower end fixed on the down wire clamp.
拉出抛光线, 下端固定在下夹丝钳上。
There was a farmer who used a piece of string to pull out a cows tongue.
有个农夫, 因为用绳子将牛的舌头勒断, 手段非常残酷。
Nose scab or scar of the nose, it's best not to pull out or barely touch.
It will also pull out fluid, right through the membrane of the inner ear.
耳烛还可平衡耳内压力, 功效可分为身体和情绪两方面。
Pull out and remove antenna of tyre pressure monitoring system from holder.
Electrical brush possible to be pull out is housed inside bracket of brush.
Combing will pull out some hair but not fast enough to develop a good coat.
Do not pull out the ribbon forcibly. Otherwise, the ribbon may be detached.
She's been very depressed recently, but I'm sure she'll soon pull out of it.
她近来一直很抑郁, 但我相信不久她就会振作起来的。
Now, who is going to pull out that gentleman's tendons and tear off his skin?
Pull out half adhensive tap from samples with 60 degree and invariable speed.
Now, who is going to pull out that gentleman's tendons and tear off his skin ?
这位先生, 谁人去抽他得筋, 剥他得皮?
You cannot dip into the ethereal well and pull out when the temperature soars.
And here I'm going to pull out the double wavelengths and increase the single.
我把这双波减小一点 把单波加大
He administered a sedative so an explosives specialist could pull out the bomb.
They bickered and fought all day long which made me pull out my hair sometimes.
Thank you for your busy schedule to pull out redundant to read my cover letter.
They were so deeply involved in the matter that they found it hard to pull out.
Please pull out 3 pcs of antennas when the cellular phone immobilizer operating.
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单词 pull out 释义

  • 单词释义:拔出;退出;(使)离开;(火车)驶出  [更多..]



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