Otherwise, they will remain a highly visible symbol of abuse and a barrier to reconciliation.
否则, 监狱将仍然是恶习及阻碍和解的一种彰明较著的象征。
Bad habits of gamble or drug addiction which remain incorrigible despite repeated admonition.
The plague bacilli would remain viable as an aerosol for hour for a distance of up to 10 kin.
The functions and staffing of the Information and Administrative Office will remain unchanged.
The distribution and roles of actin in Golgi apparatus of plant cells remain to be determined.
But human-rights abuses remain commonplace and some of the Zapatista rebels still put up a fight.
However the energy and efficacy of ablation remain the major factors restricting the success rate.
然而, 消融的能量和效能仍然是制约成功率的主要因素。
I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote.
Likewise, the seabed and the Antarctic, as the common heritage of mankind, should remain pristine.
Remain a bit of oil in the same skillet to stir fry the minced garlic and mushrooms until aromatic.
锅底留少许底油, 爆香蒜末和菇丝, 加入三椒丝翻炒片刻。
The growth rates of the African countries remain very low in terms of halving poverty by the year2013.
The growth rates of the African countries remain very low in terms of halving poverty by the year2015.
they always remain flying in the air. you can read the books of madame alexandra david neel about this.
孝感麻糖的创制, 据说与一个馋嘴的糖坊老板娘有关。
With regard to the construction of new plants, Asia and Eastern Europe remain the centres of expansion.
At the point of departure, the accompanying adult must remain at the gate until the flight is off the ground.
在始发地, 陪伴成人在航班离地后方可离开登机口。
This clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination or expiry of this Agreement.
Once more think this is a Qing Lian, in the loneliness of the fragrance of its own obligation to remain aloof.
曾, 多想是一朵清莲, 在寂寞的馨香中独自清高。
However, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary, we are also reminded of the serious challenges that remain.
不过, 在十周年之际, 我们也看到仍然存在的严重挑战。
As stated in the report of the mission, the positions of the sides on the settlement proposal remain far apart.
The sulphuric acid eats into those parts of the metal that remain exposed after the wax coating has been applied.
It is essential that Member States assist and cooperate in the arrest and transfer of accused who remain at large.
The Investigation of Withdrawn, Extorted Confessions and the Right to Remain Silent According to the Legal Principle
翻供, 逼供与沉默权的法理性透视
The provisions of this Article shall remain in force for the duration of the reform process as determined under Article18.
The provisions of this Article shall remain in force for the duration of the reform process as determined under Article20.
Normally, these channels remain open for a few milliseconds. Anaesthetics induce three different patterns of channel activity.
一般来说, 这些渠道仍然开放了几毫秒。
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