单词 right of way 例句大全,用单词right of way造句:

Incoming arrows have the right of way.
We have a right of way across his field.
There is a right of way across this field.
Is there a right of way across these fields
Taxiing aircraft always have the right of way.
I'm on the right way of doing this, and I'm afraid.
我朝正确的方式做, 却心生害怕。
Yeah, I'm way ahead of you. All right. Here it goes.
All right, have it your own way I'm tired of arguing.
好了, 随你的便吧 我懒得和你争了。
Our way of testing the right to use, abnormal movements were not found.
我司以正确使用方式测试, 均未发现动作异常现象。
Discussion of the Right Way to Assemble the Allowable Stiff Tube Dynamite
Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.
Explore auction way for the hunting right, maximize the use of the wild animal resources.
Chapter four put forward the whole idea of building the way of right of social assistance.
By the way of neck right thoracic abdomen, the esophagus was reconstructed with stomach in20 cases, and with right colon in2 cases.
And the kine took the straight way to the way of Bethshemesh, and went along the highway, lowing as they went, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left
牛直行大道, 往伯示麦去, 一面走一面叫, 不偏左右。
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