单词 sign for 例句大全,用单词sign for造句:

c. Father tipped Dick the wink as a sign for him to keep still.
Conclusion High ferritin may be a sign for cerebral infarction.
Put the sign for the guest to put in the elevator door to work.
Anyhow, I was in a German prison camp for Pretty nearly sign off
总之, 我进过德国集中营,
Certain classes of mail have to is sign for when they is deliver.
This was a sign for sharks. They warned us and we all went ashore.
这是有鲨鱼的迹象。他们给我们提出了警告, 我们都上岸了。
I basically think this is a clear sign for the central government.
The dollar symbol"$" is the international sign for money.
I saw Tom standing at the doorway making a sign for me to come out.
Today, I asked my parents to sign for me to enlist in the military.
Some articles applauded the trend as a sign of liberation for women.
一些文章对这一势头欢呼, 称它是妇女解放的标志。
When a man fall into his anecdotage, it is a sign for him to retire.
当一个人开始好谈往事, 是年届退休之兆。
The world's voracious appetite for steel shows little sign of easing.
It would be better for you to sign up for blanket insurance coverage.
Romantically, having Jupiter in your sign is a huge advantage for you.
Give your spouse a physical sign of affection for 30 seconds in public.
Anybody who wants to sign up can get a copy of the newsletter for free.
For a whole year she had waited for a sign of Jack and the great castle.
Andrew joined up in 1989 and was planning to sign on for nine more years.
Members of this sign have a knack for anticipating their customers needs.
Morning dew a sign for flying away, now it's time to go to find your way.
阳光似乎也已不似曾经, 我将离去, 当它再没有温度的时刻。
When you send a letter via registered mail, the addressee must sign for it.
你要是寄挂号信的话, 收件人一定要签收。
Overseriousness is a warning sign for mediocrity and bureaucratic thinking.
Father winked at Dick as a sign for him to keep still and Dick winked back.
父亲向狄克眨眼示意要他别动, 狄克也眨眼表示会意。
This is a very promising sign for the performance of the building envelope.
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