单词 slips 例句大全,用单词slips造句:

Background of Sexual Skill in the Silk and Bamboo Slips from Mawangdui
Second Witch Liver of blaspheming Jew, gall of goat and slips of yew.
Self Cultivating Thought of Zi Si studied from Guo Dian Chu Bamboo Slips
A Study on the Colorful Marks in Zhouyi Copied on the Bamboo Slips of Chu
I slip closer to my goal, and the noose slips tighter around Cyruss neck.
我离自己的目标越来越近了, 丧钟即将为塞勒斯而鸣。
Two Essays On No. 1 Wooden Slips Unearthed from Shuang Gudui of Fuyang City
The excavated wooden tablets and bamboo slips are of great historical value.
On the Frontier Patrol System in Han Dynasty Manifesting from the Bamboo Slips
In the exploration of the tomb, archaeologists found some bamboo writing slips.
A survey of inscribed bamboo and wooden slips of the Qin system the Chines pept
The pattern that universe generates in Bi divinatory symbol on Qin bamboo slips
A Study on Zhouyi Copied on the Bamboo Slips of Chu Collected in Shanghai Museum
The Exploration about the Theory Structure of Wuxing in Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips
Insert a blank piece of paper, turn the knob, and a dollar slips the other side.
插入一张空白一张纸, 打开旋钮, 以及美元下滑了对方。
I suspect it is mainly because the burden of ambition and expectation slips away.
我猜, 这主要是由于雄心和预期的压力慢慢减轻。
Before paper was invented, slips of bamboo were the most important writing medium.
在发明纸张以前, 竹简是最常用的书写介质。
Studies on Characters of Bamboo Slips of Chu State in Collection of Shanghai Museum
You can throw confirmation slips into a shoebox, and give them accountant at tax time.
你可以把成交确认单扔进鞋盒, 在交税的时候拿出来。
Quantitive Study of Characters Written on Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi Tomb of Qin Dynasty
Capability to conveniently design and generate payroll reports, salary slips and forms
One encloses one circle, time slips through a midsummer, a end of summer autumn is original.
一圈一圈, 时间滑过仲夏, 又一个夏末秋初。
Observe the Punishment Redeeming System in the Qin Dynasty from the Yunmeng Qin Bamboo Slips
The authors attempt to make a brief overview of these medical bamboo slips and silk literature.
Research on the folk custom of choosing lucky days from sun book on bamboo slips of Qin Dynasty
Then suddenly, the hunter becomes the prey a hungry boa snake slips and slithers along a branch.
主旨在宣称人皆自性清净, 本有佛性, 但用此心, 直了成佛

单词 slips 释义

  • 单词释义:滑( slip的第三人称单数 );滑脱;下降;(健康状况等)变差  [更多..]



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