单词 sleeping bag 例句大全,用单词sleeping bag造句:

In his sleeping bag he'll be as snug as a bug in a rug.
I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag.
You may enjoy lying back in a lawn chair or a sleeping bag.
Remove the rain cover and let the sun heat the sleeping bag.
I crawled into my sleeping bag and curled up in a tight ball.
我爬进睡袋里, 紧紧卷成一个球。
He got out his knife and acted out cutting into the sleeping bag.
I mentioned the Mont Nitro bags in the main Sleeping Bag section.
我刚才提到蒙特塞拉特硝基袋, 在主要睡袋节。
He took ages getting undressed and climbing into the sleeping bag.
A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every campers equipment.
The lower part is attached to the upper part to form the sleeping bag.
而当睡袋形式时, 下半部必须接在上半部下围处。
He slept on his sleeping bag that he had brought with him for camping.
I had this sleeping bag which my mother had made from a space blanket.
You should use a cotton or silk liner to keep your sleeping bag clean.
My personal possessions totaled up to a sleeping bag and some cameras.
That night Jordan sleeps outside the guerillas ' cave in his sleeping-bag.
I need a backpack because I have to carry my sleeping bag and camping stove.
Place in a dry sleeping bag and join him or her to maximize heat generation.
In the night, I got into my sleeping bag. Let the sun heat the sleeping bag.
the upper end of the sleeping bag is provided with a bag mouth pulling strap.
在睡袋的上端, 设置有袋口拉带
On a beautiful cool night, you and your love crawl into a sleeping bag outside.
The hardest part about using a sleeping bag is rolling it up after a night's rest.
Entirely is the rainwater inside the tent, we have all jumped inside the sleeping bag.
帐篷内全是雨水, 我们都从睡袋里跳了出来。
The bag of chairman all over the body goes up personally when why sleeping!Very urticant!
She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.
因为要出去野营, 她特别地激动, 以至于忘了带睡袋。
Pulled the cover of his sleeping bag up over his eyes in case any ghosts happened to be lurking about.
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单词 sleeping bag 释义

  • 单词释义:(野外用的)睡袋  [更多..]



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