单词 so so 例句大全,用单词so so造句:

There was no advantage in doing so, so why bother ?
Just so so. The ones I had before were even better.
So, you want us to use Arabic. Where are we to do so?
Alice, it is so nice to have worked with you so long.
All right, so anyways, so all right we have a theory.
Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned.
It was never quite so brash, so shameless, so obvious.
Cause you are so beautiful, so sweet and just adorable.
因为你如此美丽, 如此甜蜜, 如此可爱。
So, if magnesium is so abundant, why is it so expensive
A robot so fearsome, so powerful, even Im afraid to watch.
一个机器人, 这么的可怕这么的强大
Ah, I'm so disorganized, so browbeaten by what I remember.
If women are so far ahead of men, are they so far behind ?
既然女人远比男人优秀, 为什么她们落后男人那么多?
Give so little. Receive so much. Again and again and AGAIN!
付出如此之少, 回报却如此的丰厚, 而且是源源不断!
It's so black and white, so us and them, so right and wrong.
And could be so calm and so pleasant in so little time after.
There is an alternative to spending so much achieve so little.
Ah, spring in the air is so fresh, so relaxed and happypeople.
啊, 春天的风是这般的清新, 这般的令人心旷神怡。
who feel so alienated or so threatened that they're not alone.
Netherland left WC so early in this season. It s so unlucky ah.
Today I understand that I was so naive, so pure, it's abominable!
到今天我才明白, 我是那么的幼稚, 那么的单纯, 那么的可恶!
If so, against the vision, so he accelerated heartbeat and blood.
若有所诉的眼光, 使他心跳而血液加速了。
He said so out of kindness, so I hope you will not take it amiss.
Ana And you have a strong presence, too. So smooth, so confident.
安娜而你也很有个人风采。很和善, 很有自信。
learn to grow up, no longer so capricious, so naive, so childish.
学会长大, 不能再那么任性, 那么幼稚, 那么孩子气。
This so cold pant so called paint job helps keep the adobe strong.
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单词 so so 释义

  • 单词释义:勉强过得去,一般  [更多..]



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