单词 the moment 例句大全,用单词the moment造句:

He did not seem to me to have full access at the moment to the President.
The Allied leaders surrendered for the moment in the face of this threat.
在这种威胁面前, 协约国诸领导人暂时屈服。
At the moment of landing, the tires of the aircraft will possibly explode.
Instead, in the moment, apply what you HAs absorbed about handling the issue.
相反, 此刻, 因该将本人所学到学识运用到待解决的疑难题目。
The moment I'm standing on the very top step of the Royal Academy of science.
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.
一旦你全心投入, 你的目标的实现就得到了保证。
However, at the moment, the Agreed Framework has reached a critical juncture.
但是, 该框架协议目前到了一个重要关头。
Next day he was looking out for her, and accosted her the moment she appeared.
You know, now that the moment is upon me, I must admit to feeling a tad misty.
I am afraid, I am afraid the moment she received it will change all the world.
The moment he got out of the airport, the pop star was surrounded by his fans.
这位著名的歌星一出飞机场, 就被歌迷围了起来。
The gunk shall be covered except the moment the material is added to the gunk.
The moment he heard the news, he jumped up and shouted slogans without any ado.
他一听到这个消息, 他就跳起来, 立马就喊起口号来!
The Moment Generating Function for Occupation Measure of Additive Brownian Motion
Another thing I do not understand at the moment be the advantage of wpa coverage.
Currencies fluctuate the dollar looks less than almighty, at least for the moment.
通货波动方面美元看起来并非全能, 至少目前如此。
For the moment, Mr Bocs government remains in office as a caretaker administration.
the calm, but alertness, the focus, but awareness, and being totally in the moment.
平静而又机敏 专注而又敏感 融入瞬间
Even the official ally of the moment is always regarded with the darkest suspicion.
I expect they got talking afterwards and decided to do it on the spur of the moment.
光景是后来谈得高兴, 就一块儿走了。
He was the owner of a talent agency who, at the moment, was down to a single client.
他拥有一家经纪人公司, 目前只有一个客户。
The airwaves are full of nothing but World Cup games and commentaries at the moment.
Choosing the Moment Center of Angular Momentum in the Rigid Body with planar Motion.
With steady gaze he awaited confidently the moment for administering the restorative.
The most popular model in Africa at the moment, he says, is one with a voice changer.
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单词 the moment 释义

  • 单词释义:一…就;此刻,那时  [更多..]



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