单词 missionary 例句大全,用单词missionary造句:

Okay, so the missionary position doesnt always make your mate shiver with desire.
好了, 传教式或许没法总让你的伙伴性奋到颤抖。
Evangelism is the vital nerve of missionary effort and the lifeblood of the Church.
The Development and Evolution of the Form of Modern Missionary Schools in Guangzhou
The Society of Brothers and the Yangtze River Missionary Case in1891 The Story of Year
The two missionary sisters have received their missionary crosses from the archbishop.
Qualification of Subject in the Criminal Law for Party's Affair Missionary in Basic Units
During my undergraduate years at Indiana University, I began to consider missionary work.
于是, 在印第安那大学求学时, 我开始考虑传道的工作。
I shouldt have thought a missionary was such a big bug that he could afford to put on frills.
Each one of them is like making history or something, some missionary, and Im very demanding.
他们每个人都象在制作历史或是在做传教士, 我很苛刻。
Robert Morrison was the first missionary of Protestant Church to do missionary work in China.
We will like very much to have you for dinner, as the cannibal say to the capture missionary.
An eighth missionary escaped when the Iraqi driver of the groups cars drove away from the scene.
It was rumored that it was a missionary of Catholicism who bribed people to poison the well water.
But we should bear in mind that missionary hospital did not trigger antiChristian cases inevitably.
Organization for Cooperation in the Roller Bearings Industry the organized work of a religious missionary.
The thesis will emphatically inspect into the origin, development and assessment of Hunan missionary schools.
Depending on the efforts of the Christian and the missionary, the movement of not binding the feet comes into being.
Before it was incorporated into Buddhism, it was considered a heretic that stood in the way of Buddhist missionary work.
Sundarams house but his children was not cooperative as they were receiving financial assistance from an American Missionary.
他的孩子并不欢迎我们, 因他们接受美国宣教团的资助。
He became a missionary to China in 1846, where he worked himself literally to death to convert the population to Christianity.
As one great crime reasons of the social corruption, bribe crime infringes the national missionary functionary actions greatly.
Early Missionary Work by the Society of Jesus and a Comparison of Traditional Society Backgrounds between Ancient China and Japan
After the war Brant was granted land along the Grand River in Ontario, where he ruled peacefully and continued his missionary work.
战后领有一片土地, 并继续传教工作。
My friend had written to some missionary society to send him to the South Seas, when I offered him Kenans Life of Christ and a copy of Esoteric Buddhism.
The Missionary Activities of the Chinese Catholics during the Prohibition Against the Catholicism in the Reigns of Yongzheng and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty

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