单词 outset 例句大全,用单词outset造句:

He was criticised from the outset as being brusque and confrontational.
一开始, 人们批评他态度粗鲁, 不好说话。
At the outset they must contain several ramets of every selected clone.
The smaller engines also have the advantage of being lighter the outset.
We should check erroneous ideas at the outset to nip an evil in the bud.
我们应该防微杜渐, 把祸害消灭在萌芽之中。
Decide at the outset what kind of learning programme you want to follow.
Talking about the communes, at the outset, we think that a caveat is due.
在一开始就谈论公社, 我们认为可能会是件犯忌的事儿。
I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset.
The European project was an elitedriven, topdown affair from the outset.
These people could envision the final system from the outset of a project.
I was wrong, wrong, at the outset, love you, love cannot extricate oneself.
我错了, 错在一开始就爱上你, 爱的无法自拔。
At the outset, we want to thank you for your consideration and compliments.
For liberals, the scheme was from the outset something of a disappointment.
As I said at the outset, I do not give much importance to abstract concepts.
That would certainly be preferable to a competitive situation at the outset.
Well, I suppose. But wasn't Stalin on the road to craziness from the outset?
The teacher laid emphasis on the precision of the translation from the outset.
that would be certainly be preferable to a competitive situation at the outset.
At the outset they were delighted with this idea, and went back to their village.
他们最初对这一说法感到很高兴, 于是返回村庄去了。
Do not be to overbearing at the outset, otherwise you will not have any followers.
The committee did not run into any difficulty from the outset of the investigation.
At the outset I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.
首先, 要感谢你对我的一番好意和溢美之词。
He encouraged the Turtles to ask questions during class, but few did at the outset.
他鼓励海龟们在上课的时候提问, 但是只有少数人提问。
At the outset of the war there was a great flare of patriotic enthusiasm in Russia.
From the outset these European schools focused on international general management.
从一开始, 这些欧洲学校就强调国际化的综合管理。
At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.

单词 outset 释义



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