单词 marquis 例句大全,用单词marquis造句:

The marquis stared in confusion. He glared at me with rage.
The people closed round, and looked at Monsieur the Marquis.
人群围了过来, 望着侯爵大人。
Feelings to Marquis Wu in the History Poetry in Tang Dynasty
The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father's death.
The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist.
The marquis was enlightened and knew clearly what he should do.
Used as a form of address for a marquis, an earl, or a viscount.
勋爵用作侯爵, 伯爵或子爵的称呼。
Used as a courtesy title for a younger son of a duke or marquis.
things go wonderfully. cried the marquis; excellently well said!
The marquis's eye became round because he had a mania for horse.
Used as a form of address for a marquis , an earl, or a viscount.
用作侯爵, 伯爵或子爵的称呼。
This was Monsieur Gabelle, the Marquis's official in the village.
那是加贝尔先生, 是侯爵在村子里的官员。
And is this splendid castle also yours, my lord Marquis of Carabas?
But his grandfather, a marquis, had married a former slave in Haiti.
但是他的祖父, 一名侯爵曾与海地的一名奴隶成婚。
The amount of material the marquis managed to accumulate was amazing.
The king once more complimented the marquis upon his rich possessions.
This is for you,'said the Marquis, and he threw Defarge another gold coin.
The King then invited the marquis to accompany them on their carriage ride.
Ah! most gracious Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, where is that emigrant ?
Used as a courtesy title for the daughter of a duke, a marquis, or an earl.
之女的尊称用于称呼公爵, 侯爵或伯爵的女儿的礼貌用语
Angrily, the Marquis got into his coach and told the driver to take him home.
Pink and olive green for oval shape, ink for marquis shape and wht for round.
蛋形有粉红和橄榄绿, 马眼有紫蓝, 圆形有白色。
A bourgeois had the air of a flower, a Marquis had the air of a precious stone.
一个资产阶级的人象一朵花, 一个侯爵如同一块宝石。
British title of nobility into Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount and Baron grade 5.
英国贵族爵位分为公爵 侯爵 伯爵 子爵和男爵5个等级。
The wife of the Marquis was a good, kind woman, deeply unhappy in her marriage.

单词 marquis 释义



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