单词 margaret 例句大全,用单词margaret造句:

Margaret and Muriel attended Finkin street Methodist church.
The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel.
The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel.
Margaret took a ph.D.degree from Columbia University in1929.
Margaret took a ph. D. degree from Columbia University in1927.
That same month, Margaret was assigned to Kelly Air Force Base.
同月, 玛格丽特被派到凯利空军基地。
Margaret took me to one side, holding my arm in a gentle caress.
Margaret was sitting nervously upright on the edge of her chair.
Where Margaret was really in her element, however, was decorating.
I enjoy cooking but the dishes Margaret makes put mine in the shade.
我喜爱烹调, 但与玛格丽特做的菜相比, 我做的菜要逊色多了。
Margaret looked everywhere and shouted its name she did not find it.
Business has improved greatly since Margaret has been in the saddle.
自从玛格丽特负责以来, 生意愈来愈好。
And right from the start Margaret showed her ambition to be a leader.
All the time Margaret was asleep and had no idea of what was going on.
在这段时间里, 玛格丽特睡着了, 对此一无所知。
When Margaret broke her favourite vase, she was on the point of tears.
当玛格丽特打破了她心爱的花瓶时, 她几乎要哭了。
If you let him know that margaret's coming, you won't see him for dust.
要是你让他知道玛格丽特会来, 他会溜之大吉的。
Amand ban is still greatly missed with Margaret, he did eat came to Paris.
阿芒禁仍深深地怀念着玛格丽特, 他又失魂落魄地来到巴黎。
I told my secret only to Margaret becanus I knew she would not divulge it.
我只把我的秘密告诉玛格丽特, 因为我知道她不会泄漏。
I told my secret only to Margaret because I knew she would not divulge it.
Now, Margaret Thatcher famously said that there is nothing like a society.
Margaret had difficulty with her maths, but her teacher pulled her through.
玛格丽特数学学习遇到困难, 但是她的教师帮助她克服了。
Margaret wants a child so she is taking medicine to increase her fertility.
玛格丽特想要个孩子, 因此正在服药, 以求增强生育能力。
Margaret Ill come with you. I need to buy a noseband for my daughters pony.
Whatever lucky star Margaret was born under, Mark was not similarly blessed.
不论玛格丽特多走运, 马克也得不到上帝同样的恩赐。
There are no recollections in Grantham of Margaret with chums or boyfriends.

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