单词 matte 例句大全,用单词matte造句:

Gold Class Endurance Original formula leaves a dark satin matte finish.
Anodized gloss and matte finish provide visual appeal and years of life.
Matte, velvety deep charcoal brown. Great for smokey looks and eyeliner.
Premium glossy and matte paper types often have a preferred printing side.
Bird wax into the base of the shell membrane and the more dry mouth, Matte.
成鸟蜡膜及嘴壳基部较为枯燥, 无光泽。
Matte paper, the line angle with the edge of the fold of sandpaper polished.
These cabinets were not high gloss finish, only matte paint finish and vinyl.
这些声箱外壳均不是高光泽, 外壳只有哑光油漆及胶板面的。
If the new machine is not used chip, then contact the surface should be matte.
如果是新机未用过的芯片, 则触点表层应是磨砂的。
Design of plant for seperation of high grade nickel matte by flotation process
Matte thin material, the appearance of the host wont be disturbed after pasting.
超薄磨砂材质, 贴上之后完全不破坏主机的本身美观。
Melting Behavior of Silica Flux in Converting Process of High Grade Copper Matte
The creative, sophisticated Matte effects processing technology, as pure beauty.
创意不断, 精细的磨砂效果处理技术, 尽量纯洁美感。
I had been struggling with a few concepts for matte paintings for quite a while.
有一阵子, 我曾苦心研究一些油画等表现肌理的绘画形式。
Buy clothing that will span two to three seasons like wool crepe or matte jersey.
Buy clothing that will span two to three seasons like wool crepe or matte jersey.
Gouache paints dry to a matte finish and, if desired, without visible Brush marks.
A ninth Matte Black ink can be substituted for the ink set's Photo Black cartridge.
This products are top side lacquered, glossy and matte finishing are both available.
本产品表处产品, 光, 亚面均可。
Forecast Slag Weight of Copper Matte Converting in PS Converter Based on Data Mining
Frit and Ameloblastic Product transparent frit, opaque frit, matte frit, matte glaze
熔块和成釉产品透明熔块, 乳浊熔块, 哑光熔块, 哑光釉
The technique of treating matte in high content of nickel arsenic matte was studied.
Research on the Estimation Model of the Temperature of Matte in Copper Flash Smelter.
This shows that the matte generation and distribution of the particles is randomness.
由此可见, 磨砂颗粒的爆发及漫衍是具有随机性的。
Erase your lips with matte, nude lipstick you want your own lip color to shine through.
唇膏不能无光泽或太厚重, 否则会遮盖住你自然的唇色。
Research on the Matte Temperature Model of Copper Flash Smelting Process Based on ANFIS

单词 matte 释义



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