单词 quill 例句大全,用单词quill造句:

Positive locks for table, knee, spindle quill, ram.
为表, 膝, 主轴鹅毛笔, 公羊正锁。
Design of the Cutting rolling Compound Die for the Quill
Study and Application of Hot Extrusion Process for Boss Quill
The Violet Hour The Violet Quill and the Making of Gay Culture
Suddenly she dropped the quill as a wild happiness flooded her.
punches basic , cylindrical head type and related quill bushings
The third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill.
Class 10 Quill The florets are straight and tubular with open tips.
第十型翻羽型小花先端直管状, 全为舌状花。
The spindle can be fed up and down with a quill feed lever on the head.
Shakespeares tool was the Elizabethan English language, not a quill pen.
第一段以前是看过了, 没想到还有其他的!
They are be recognized the quill pens which they wear in the cord of hat.
我们只须看插在帽带上的鹅毛笔, 就可以认出他们来。
Automatically releases a quill spray whenever his rear receives 300 damage.
To help reduce the tendency to balloon as the yarn is unwound from the quill.
Through analysis of the quill, the stamping process flow has been determined.
通过煤矿用托板加工工艺的分析, 确定了冲压工艺流程。
The hydraulic clamping to bed has variable hydraulic pressure to tailstock quill.
If the yarn is to be used as filling in shuttle looms it must be repackaged on a quill.
Quill is distinguished from his brother and sisters with a birdlike birthmark on his body.
Even the elegant quill which Umbridge gives Harry to write was designed by the set designers.
A goose quill was inserted in Sun's urethra to prevent it getting blocked as the wound healed.
Former US presidential candidate Al Gore wins a Quill award for his book An Inconvenient Truth.
The main components of a spider cardan joint include the spider, yokes and quill bearings, etc.
其主要部件包括十字轴 万向节叉以及滚针轴承等。
In this paper through the analysis of the quill, the stamping process flow has been determined.
通过对套筒零件的冲压工艺分析, 确定了冲压工艺流程。
Set of clear crystal inkwell with quill, book, diploma and graduation cap rhodiumplated details.
套清楚水晶墨水池与纤管, 书, 文凭和毕业盖帽铑被镀的细节。
Quill pens were most popular for their flexibility and ability to be sharpened to extreme fineness.
This traditional Chinese opera player is good at performing with the pheasant quill worn on his helmet.

单词 quill 释义

  • 单词释义:(刺猬或豪猪的)刺;羽毛管;<鸟>翮;<纺>纡管  [更多..]



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