单词 rushes 例句大全,用单词rushes造句:

All will be finished before noon when everyone rushes his work.
The smoldering rushes in the wall socket threw only faint light.
The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials.
A container made of interwoven material, such as rushes or twigs.
用材料编成的容器, 如用灯心草或小树枝。
It rushes after experiences, ingenious in the games of deception.
它会横冲直撞, 精于骗术。
All in for obtains an ideal work but not to dismiss rushes about.
The game introduce The piggy pig rushes dark fortress courageously
They came to a small wood where a river ran between banks of rushes.
I come Shanxi, rushes is Coach Wu, Qian Shao a spot has not related.
我来陕西, 奔得就是吴教练, 钱少一点没关系。
The reeds and rushes are abundant, and the white dew is not yet ceased
蒹葭采采, 白露未已。
without paying a farthing he rushes headlong from one shop to another.
The policeman turns a blind eye to the driver who rushes red light. Why?
Joy freed from the bond of earth's slumber rushes into numberless leaves.
She rushes towards me, wild hair streaming in her wake, face full of fury.
她向我冲了过来, 一头乱发飏在了她的身后, 脸上满是愤怒。
She rushes to the battlefield to turn French defeat into victory once more.
她急忙战场, 把胜利的法国再次失败。
He soon rushes out toward the maidens as they frolic in the cool night air.
Like all gold rushes, Macao has attracted a raucous and colourful community.
Frequent drops in the dollar parity have repeatedly touched off gold rushes.
Its weaknesses are shadow rushes, engineer rushes and really fast tank rushes.
He uses a string to tie up three female donkeys, rushes to a mill, before them.
Anxious that he is going to be late for school, Xiaoming rushes out of the house.
小明上学快迟到了, 他心里着急, 夺门而出。
The reeds and rushes are deeply green, and the white dew is turned into hoarfrost.
蒹葭苍苍, 白露为霜。
Suddenly, he by a swallow type diving posture, the head rushes jumps swing bridge.
突然, 他以一个燕式跳水姿势, 头冲下纵身跳桥。
When a person is awake, a blizzard of electrical impulses rushes through his brain.
当一个人醒来时, 会有一阵强大的电脉冲通过他的大脑。
The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the towmilehigh mountains.

单词 rushes 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)急速行进,仓促完成( rush的第三人称单数 );突袭;(使)仓促行事;催促  [更多..]



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