The Effects of Trans Fatty Acids and Saturate Fatty Acid on Insulin Resistance of Rats
However, it required a substantial excess of the acid to saturate the spectral change.
然而, 要是光谱的变化饱和需要大大过量的酸。
DIRECTIONS OF USE Saturate a cotton wool pad and sweep across a cleansed face and neck.
The results also showed that the saturate and aromatic increased, resin asphaltene decreased.
采出油的饱和烃, 芳香烃含量增加, 胶质, 沥青质含量减少。
The friction between soil and geotextile has been improved by cement as the soil was saturate.
在土样饱和的情况下, 水泥层能够增大筋土之间的摩擦
Saturate the bromeliad completely until water runs off the plant light misting is normally insufficient.
在光线较低的时候, 如果植株过于干燥可以用水来浸淋植株。
Detergent surfactants act as wetting agents to saturate the solder paste layer that is left on the stencil surface.
Images from the camera are intentionally blurred to minimize the number of bright stars that saturate the detectors.
相机的图像特意略微模糊, 使星光的晕染影响降到最低。
Application of the MediumDepth Bore Grouting Technology in SubsurfaceExcavation Shallow Tunneling in WaterRich Saturate Sand Stratum