单词 means 例句大全,用单词means造句:

Ability to conceive of, and bring to fruition, new means of creating value,
Resonant laser ablation also provides a simple means for measuring atomic spectra.
And I do not get the means of living out of my learning, and I abide by my reason.
我不从我的学识中获取衣食, 我与我的理性同在。
Objective Introduce a means to collect fingertip pulse wave in an unscarred means.
A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation.
一个不懂如何变革的国家, 也就不懂如何保存。
To live abundantly means simply to increase the range and intensity of our relations.
It means the absence of prohibitions and restrictions which are or have been in force.
这就是说, 现在或较早时期通行的禁规在那时是没有效力的。
The absorption of energy near the surface, the more means that the energy of the deep.
Research on preparing a set of magnesium products from brine by means of the absorption
Listen again carefully, ah, this seems to be what passes in snoring abundance of means.
再仔细听, 啊, 这鼾声中似乎透出什么绵长的意味。
It means that the soft soil foundation has the impact on shock absorption and isolation.
A23 Bit Absolute Shaft Position Encoder by Means or Small and Special Electrical Machines
Superconductivity means no electrical resistance, and that in turn means no wasted power.
The conclusions were verified by means of abounding the aromatics of regenerating reagent.
Metaphor is one kind of means to make the abstract idea concretize in vocabulary teaching.
In addition to chemical means there exist physical means for controlling the burning rate.
控制燃速除化学方法外, 还有物理方法。
His uncle hs managed to live within his means, but his aunt always lives beyond her means.
To conclude, it means that She uses various appearances as a means of spreading the Truth.
总括来说, 她的打扮是传播真理的一种方式而已。
It is wrong to ban religion with administrative means and absolutely negate its death away.
While the remaining three sons have by their talents obtained abundant means of maintenance.
而其余的三个儿子由于各有专长, 获得了丰富的生活资料。
The ablation of South Pole glacier means our responsibility is disappearing at the same time.
but content and theories with the absence of the magic of teaching and learning means nothing.
但是只有内容和理论 却没有那教与学的魔力 那都是空谈。
The means of absorption include law, agreements and compacts, or forms of economic organisation.
They may have to be dealt with with military means, but they cannot be solved by military means.
Noise from industrial or commercial activities is controlled by means of Noise Abatement Notices.

单词 means 释义



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