单词 may 例句大全,用单词may造句:

You may access order, or you may skip directly to the ones you find most interesting.
你可以顺序观看, 也可以直接跳到你感兴趣的章节。
You may rest assured that we can bring the project to a completion at the end of May.
你尽可放心, 我们能够在五月底完成工程全部。
It may be attributable to pay discrimination, but other factors may also be to blame.
This claim may or may not come true in the end, but it is hard to disprove in advance.
这种说法不知道能不能最终兑现, 但是很难进一步反驳。
May all the dreams come true in the future. May each day be as happy as your birthday.
A further meeting was arranged for8 May but was postponed until, and was held on,21 May.
There may be features of autonomic instability,and serum creatine kinase may be elevated.
可能有自主神经症状,血清肌酸激酶 可能升高。
Moreover, sacrectomy may cause pelvic instability that may necessitate additional surgery.
May adjust asthma and child common disease, simultaneously may adjust the immunity system.
All mobile phones may be subject to radio interference which may affect their performance.
The trustor may be the beneficiary, and may also be the only beneficiary of the same trust.
The content may be the fable story, may be the fairy talestory, may be the idiom story.
Winners may be picked at random or names may go into a draw and a winner picked accordingly.
And may establish such additional Committees with such functions as it may deem appropriate.
Heavy meals may be difficult to digest and indigestion may make it difficult to fall asleep.
Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake.
The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it.
民可使由之, 不可使知之。
Agglomerates may be fractured or may exist continuously in the green bodies after compaction.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.
May i always call upon the name of the Buddha, and may the Buddha Amitabha always be with me.
一声佛号不离口, 阿弥陀佛常随身。
Stools may show gross or occult blood and bilious vomiting or hematemesis may also be present.
我们观察了一些此类的病例, 有些与过敏性紫斑有关
May compare favorably with other roses besides the appearance, the fruit may also be practical.
Secondly, bile may lose and enterohepatic circulation may be disrupted due to outward drainage.
That may help explain the thinking behind the ambitious project Vodafone announced on May 12 th.
The proportion between centralization and democracy may vary and may appear in different aspects.
在不同的时期, 民主和集中所占的比例不同, 出现的形式不同。

单词 may 释义

  • 单词释义:可以;也许;会;但愿  [更多..]



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