After hurriedly completing my chores, I went straight to the nearest movie theatre.
在我急急忙忙的忙完家务后, 我直接跑到最近的电影院。
I quickly spit it out, hurriedly drank a half a glass of water, the Qing Qing mouth.
我连忙吐了出来, 连忙喝了半杯水, 清了清嘴。
Little cookie unfolds her colorful umbrella hurriedly in order to block the raindrop.
She hurriedly put her work aside, and laid her head down on his pillow, caressing him.
她急忙把活计抛开, 把头伏在他的枕头上, 爱抚着他。
The boa was so badly hurt that it let go of Barney and moved into the forest hurriedly.
He hurriedly catches up with that house, and that house is dummy is but found the result.
他急忙赶到那所房子, 结果却发现那座房子是空的。
She grimaced a smile at each of them,and nodded hurriedly at any remark directed at her.
The small white thinks Qin Dynasty is get impair to just cough, hurriedly ask a direction.
After rescuing princess, they are happy, leads her to embark hurriedly returns from cruise.
救出公主后, 他们非常高兴, 急忙带着她上船返航。
Estonia and Lithuania are hurriedly trying to differentiate themselves from their neighbour.
Avoid slamming the brakes on, changing lane and swerving hurriedly, or it will stop suddenly.
Hua hurriedly took out his money and wanted to give the man, but he dare not receive the bun.
老栓慌忙摸出洋钱, 抖抖的想交给他, 却又不敢去接他的东西。
I hurriedly chose flight and had no sitting of vehemence very much wooden pew, fly to his flank.
We have made preparations too hurriedly this time. Please forgive us for our inconsiderate points.
There was a tread on the stairs and she hurriedly bent over, pretending to be tucking in the child.
The plan was hurriedly dropped amid a welter of criticism but has now been revived in a different guise.
这个方案因为备受非议而夭折, 现在经过改头换面重新推出。
Placing a cigarette Between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke hurriedly and put out the light.
He hurriedly returned the muddy brat to the second wife, who took this as an insult and reviled him roundly.
二太太以为他这是存心轻看她, 冲口而出的把他骂了个花瓜。
The vehicle of driver, manual worker and factory square hurriedly sends to the Liao to him to tread a hospital.
Liu Hua said, that small group suffering facial expression, she and other passengers hurriedly approached relief.
刘秀花说, 看到小伙表情痛苦, 她和其他乘客赶紧上前救助。
But Xuande had noticed Cai Mao reaching for his bow and arrow, so he hurriedly headed his horse southwest and rode off.
Everyone was horrified.They hurriedly got off the hovercraft and anxiously pulled these people into the circle of light.
众人无不惊心, 忙下了车, 急把那几个人拉到光圈内。
Upon hearing of this trickery, the Bull Demon King came hurriedly chasing after Monkey. They engaged in a fierce struggle.
Quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies.
An earthquake struck that district. The Chinese leaders hurriedly sent a cable to express their sympathy, and solicitude to people there.