单词 hope 例句大全,用单词hope造句:

And I hope what you are able to see is actually a flash of light.
I hope this meeting each other, both personally and academically.
Today I take heart of grace to express and hope you can accept it.
Glyph of Hymn of Hope Your Hymn of Hope lasts an additional 2 sec.
I really hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.
Euthanasia is acceptable in cases when all hope of recovery is gone.
And absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.
So, we hope you will accept our re counter offer as soon as possible.
We hope that this can be a lifetime, love conquers all, never abandon.
希望我们可以一辈子这样, 莫失莫忘, 不离不弃。
The agreement has been signed. Let's hope the two parties abide by it.
Hopeless though it seemed, he did not abandon hope of finding a parent.
Sing your song, dream your dreams, hope your hope and pray your prayer.
Love becomes solicitousness, hope sinks to misgiving, and faith to hope.
爱情变成了热望, 希望沦为疑虑, 信念则化为希望。
Well, I hope you get the gist of what I mean and I hope you can help me.
However, there is again hope for this badly abused and misunderstood word.
We always have a hope, the hope to give children a pair of invisible wings.
一直以来都有一个愿望, 给孩子一双隐形的翅膀。
The mother continued to hope against hope although the plane was hours late.
虽然飞机迟了几个小时, 母亲仍怀有一线希望。
No matter what difficulties one encounters, we should never abandon our hope.
无论遇到何种艰难险阻, 我们都不应失去希望。
I hope my life is full of hope and appeal, also I often enjoy making romantic.
I hope your brother is still sober. I hope he has not relapsed too many times.
All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given up and the search abandoned.
要找到那架失踪的飞机已经毫无希望, 于是中止了搜索。
Thats a good idea. But I hope Mr Abel could pay the bill out of his own pocket.
We hope to hear from you, by return, that you have decided to accept this offer.
你方决定接受此报价, 望即复。
It will conclude with an expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.
在结束时, 宜表达希望该报价能被对方接受的愿望。
I hope these you HAs to love deeply abundance or youHAs to love any clothes, ok ?
你就多疼我一点也喜欢上这一部分衣服吧, 好不好嘛?

单词 hope 释义



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