单词 learn 例句大全,用单词learn造句:

We should continue to learn from the Soviet Union and know what to learn.
我们要继续学习苏联, 还要会学。
To learn English well one has to learn to think in English at every turn.
Bottom line is, absorb what's good and don't learn and develop bad habits.
底线是, 吸收什么的好, 不学习和发展坏习惯。
If you want to learn quickly, visit a Battle Scholars Academy in a Dungeon.
You learn to set aside apartday to learn new verses, and practice old ones.
Legend of Wenzhou have an old abbot of a temple, went to Fujian alone learn.
I never give up, I have the ability to relate to people and I love to learn.
When you learn to tap dance, you'll learn how to brush your feet gracefully.
当你学踢踏舞, 你就会明白该如何优雅地擦步。
Learn about yourself and about love with reviews about your seduction skills.
Then they have to learn the anatomy, and they've got to learn the physiology.
You can learn abstract processes by creating metaphors for more common events.
I want to learn Calla indomitable spirit, I want to learn it never yield quality.
我要学习马蹄莲顽强的精神, 我要学习它永不屈服的品质。
You'll be able to learn about the country and absorb the culture at the same time.
If James doesn't want to learn from the greats then he needs to learn from Bryant.
如果詹姆斯不想像前辈们学习, 那么他需要向科比学习。
And is having a large vocabulary something you learn or have a natural ability for?
I learn a lot of American slang from him. He is also eager to learn Chinese from me.
What did We Learn from Catheter Ab la tion of Atrial Fibrillation in the Past10 Years
Learn to absorb the mental and moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
学会吸收书中的精神和生活道德, 并融合到你自己的生活中。
Learn how to learn the full absorption, deep inside the smoke and perfume sensitivity.
Narglatch young abandoned at birth and must learn to fend for themselves at a young age.
纳格拉驰的幼兽自出生起就被抛弃, 必须从小学会保护自己。
To fight these demonical abominations, you must learn something of the magics of Elrath.
The extravert needs to learn to slow down, but the introvert needs to learn to speak up.
外向者需要学会放慢语速, 而内向者则要学习自我表达。
They learn to associate love with abuse, intimacy with violation, and care with betrayal.
他们学会将爱与虐待, 亲密与侵犯, 照顾与背叛都联想一起。
We need to learn steadfastly all kinds of knowledge and learn to distinguish their words.
我们需要踏实地学习各种知识, 学会辨别他们的言论。
You learn that it takes phenomenal feats of memorization to learn the Chinese characters.

单词 learn 释义

  • 单词释义:学;获悉;学会;吸取教训;熟记  [更多..]



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