单词 notice 例句大全,用单词notice造句:

In case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given.
在实际全损的情况下, 不比发送委付通知。
Where notice of abandonment is accepted the abandonment is irrevocable.
委付通知书一经接受, 委付便不能收回。
In that case, notice how the actual situation of production necessary ?
Too many ads that try not to go over the head end up beneath his notice.
Tear a page out of a book,a notice down from a wall,the leaves off a tree
Sometimes he would sIt'silent and abstracted, taking no notice of anyone.
有些时候他神思不定地坐在那里, 一言不发, 任何人都不理。
Web Accelerator, notice that Web pages appear on your screen much faster.
I was very excited when I accepted the admission notice from the postman.
obituary notice public notice advertisement calssified ad flashnews extra.
Product specifications and accessories are subject to change without notice.
产品规格及配件如有任何更改, 恕不另行通知。
In this event, the Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor accordingly.
在这种情况下, 工程师应相应地通知承包商。
Why don't you display your ad on the notice board where everyone can see it?
Notice syncopation in the second where the accent falls after the first beat.
注意第二乐句中得切分音, 重音在第一拍之后出现。
You notice some details very, very, very accurately and other things drop out.
能异常敏锐地注意到细枝末节的事情 对其他事情置之不理
Don't take any notice of the boy. If you scold him, he'll only start acting up.
I have received your notice to quit, ie to leave the accommodation I am renting.
But then the actual performance to all players and craft sit up and take notice.
Analysis on Notice to Contributors of Academic Periodicals from the Point of Law.
Party B notice Party A to party B Factory Acceptance in 10 days before shipments.
Maintain active trace system for commencement, probation notice and confirmation.
Notice syncopation in the second phrase where the accent falls after the first beat.
This means that the fact of acceptance must be brought to the notice of the offeror.
Notice that an abstract class is denoted by italicized text, as are abstract methods.
His failure to notice my entrance proceeded from his absorption in a technical problem.
他没有注意到我进去, 因为他正在专心思考一个技术问题。
But, sohu needs to notice industry of oneself brand ad piece the change of the respect.
但是, 搜狐需要注意自身品牌广告行业板块方面的变化。

单词 notice 释义



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