When grown up, the offspring help the parents by providing sustenance and care debility.
He abolished posthumous law, his ministers are not allowed to assess their own offspring.
他宣布废除谥法, 不准后代臣子评价自己。
Heideggers aesthetic modernity thought was an offspring of the western modernity Context.
The two sides of the strait are combined by the feeling of kinship of the Chinese offspring.
Life and the universe compare to each other like a child and a parent, parent and offspring.
生命与宇宙 对比起来就像是孩子和父母 父母与子女
Developmental stages in offspring controlled by maternal effects, the egg stage in most cases.
Water and soil conservation confers benefit on generations and bestows benefaction on offspring.
水土保持, 利在当代, 功在千秋!
Some of these cats that are looking for homes were abandoned, others are offspring of feral cats.
The effect of the fluoride arsenic exposure on fluoride accumulation in organs of rat's offspring
Study on Behavior Genetics of First Offspring With Kidney Deficiency After Horror Injuring Parent
However, the general rape breeding has a bigger segregated offspring and its efficiency is lower.
In the case of plovers it is, more often than not, the female who abandons her mate and offspring.
The Correlativity of Pebrine Contamination Rate between Silkworm Mother Moth and Its Next Offspring
But as immigration offspring, I have a duty to also have the responsibility to run for their appeal.
但作为移民后代, 我有义务也有责任为他们奔走呼吁。
Effects of Zinc Supplementation of Rural Pregnant Women on the Growth of Offspring in Early Childhood
Ichthyosaurs and other contemporary viviparous species, by contrast, gave birth to multiple offspring.
相反, 鱼龙和其他同时代的胎生动物会一次生出多个后代。
And the echo boom the demographic bulge made up of babyboomer offspring is entering prime renting age.
The greater the number of offspring the better the chance that this actual percentage will be achieved.
Of the fruit of a mans mouth shall his belly be satisfied and the offspring of his lips shall fill him.
人必以口中果实充满肚腹, 必饱尝自己唇舌的出产。
Advance of Genetics and Mathematical Model of the Inheritance Relation Between the Parents and Offspring
The Dispute Between Revolutionaries and Reformists over the Appellation of the Offspring of the Yellow Emperor.
What view do you think the play takes of the right relation between ruler and subject, and between parent and offspring?
这剧对于君与臣, 父与子之间正确的关系, 持怎样的观点?
The purpose of this research is to investigate the intergenerational ambivalent experiences between parents and adult offspring.
Studies on genetic diversity in Gonochoristic offspring produced from mating between two different gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp
The birth number, fetus number, offspring number of each birth of the female mice, and the body weight of the adult mice were recorded.