单词 monkey 例句大全,用单词monkey造句:

yet somehow for you, you conscienceless abhorrent monkey.
Tissue, Total Protein, Monkey Adult Normal, Colon sigmoid.
组织, 总蛋白, 猴成体正常, 乙状结肠。
Look at the lion. Look at the giraffe. Look at the monkey.
Establishment of Acute Cerebral Infarction Model in Monkey.
On Vero cells, a line of African green monkey kidney cells.
Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Monkey Adult Normal, Colon sigmoid.
组织, 核蛋白, 猴成体正常, 乙状结肠。
I most like the animal is a monkey, he is extremely lovable.
An elephant, a tiger, a monkey, a dog, and a cat are animals.
大象, 老虎, 猴子, 狗和猫都是动物。
Tissue, Membrane Protein, Monkey Adult Normal, Colon sigmoid.
组织, 膜蛋白, 猴成体正常, 乙状结肠。
The King observed this foolish monkey and was greatly amused.
国王见到猴子的愚蠢举动, 觉得甚是好笑。
It was like a monkey's face, absolutely he was like a monkey.
Just watch him make a monkey out of this amateur chess player.
The Religionary Meaning of but Appellation of the Monkey Spirit
Carried in its mother's arms, the baby monkey looked very happy.
小猴子抱在母猴的怀中, 看来很快乐。
The monkey thought he would anyway, so he played with the rabbit.
The legends that you see in the movie don't appear for the monkey.
Look down on the monkey playing truant on a safari oft outh Africa.
Old artist put a monkey tied to Pali, where walk does not release it.
老艺人就把猴绑在爬犁上, 走到哪儿也不松开它。
nocturnal monkey of Central and South America with large eyes and thick fur
中美和南美夜间活动的猴子, 大眼睛, 厚毛
Study on Establishment of Oligozoospermia Animal Model in Cynomolgus monkey
l thought you might be Monkey. He hides his almond cookies on the top shelf.
Image of Monkey King cartoon animation witnessed the development of the cause.
In the Scopes Monkey Trial a school teacher was arraigned for teaching evolution.
Among them a monkey breaks up particularly vigorously, ate many peach accordingly.
其中一只猴子翻得特别起劲, 因此吃到了不少桃子。
Every time when my wife and my mom have an argument, I'm the monkey in the middle.
每次老婆和老妈之间吵嘴, 我都被夹在中间受气。

单词 monkey 释义

  • 单词释义:猴;猿;淘气鬼;小淘气  [更多..]



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