单词 nightmare 例句大全,用单词nightmare造句:

Just woke up from a nightmare and can’t fall back asleep.
I got a bad dream, that was not a nightmare but really bad.
我做了个不好的梦, 说不上是噩梦, 但真的感觉不好。
The bells and whistles inside are a nightmare to figure out.
With that first blow on the elbow the nightmare had started.
在手肘遭到那一击之后, 噩梦就开始了。
Yuke Landing Force What a nightmare. Who are they aiming for?
The point is we rescued her from the nightmare of alcoholism.
She closed her eyes tightly to shut out the nightmare images.
她紧闭双眼, 仿佛这样就可驱走那恶梦般的情景。
She screamed, knowing suddenly she was asleep and in nightmare.
她大叫一声, 这才突然知道自己刚才睡着了, 做了个恶梦。
I married for love, and your mother Betty has been a nightmare.
我为爱而结婚, 你的妈妈贝蒂却成了我的恶梦。
It's wakes me up from nightmare, bring me a completely new life.
将我从噩梦中唤醒, 带给我崭新的生机。
Lebron James is a beast. He’s a nightmare for opposing defenses.
All this wealth is a management blessing, but a nightmare as well.
Any oerson waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant.
Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant.
Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant.
How does nightmare do ceaselessly How did I see horrible book look
恶梦不断怎么办啊?是不是我看恐怖书看多了 呀
Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt up right and pant.
The corrupting of our political life had become a living nightmare.
我们的政治是如此的腐败 业已为我们带来了巨大的梦魇
My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare.
Lighting a torch, he led band out into the nightmare of the streets.
If you absolutely have to touch the code, expect it to be a nightmare.
People of Ivory Coast, dry your tears, the nightmare is over, he said.
他说, 科特迪瓦人民, 擦干你们的眼泪, 噩梦结束了。
Forks that dont stab! Knives that dont cut! Its a carnivores nightmare.
He had a terrifying nightmare in which his aunt was trying to choke him.
有一天晚上, 他甚至梦见婶婶想要勒死他, 真是太可怕了。
Vision without action is a daydream, action without vision is a nightmare.

单词 nightmare 释义

  • 单词释义:噩梦;<口>可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧;泛滥成灾;紧张  [更多..]



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