单词 lenient 例句大全,用单词lenient造句:

I thought I was a cut above the other kids. Be strict with oneself and lenient towards others
我以为自己高人一等。严于律己, 宽以待人
We cannot be lenient towards those who are becoming the aggressors and the killers of our time.
Lenient mechanical platform folder and double specimens for observation and tests to provide convenient
You are lenient one boss open and clear 3, I am glad to be able to become your buddy really very much.
Third, the principle of disintegrating the enemy troops and giving lenient treatment to prisoners of war.
The second part of the paper analyze of the connotation of the lenient and strict criminal policy in detail.
And it requires that the society provide lenient political atmosphere and satisfactory living conditions for scholars.
Under current social background, the party and the country emphasizes implements the lenient and strict criminal policy.
在当前的社会背景下, 党和国家强调实行宽严相济刑事政策。

单词 lenient 释义

  • 单词释义:宽大的,仁慈的;<古>减轻痛苦的,缓解的;宽容  [更多..]



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