单词 limitless 例句大全,用单词limitless造句:

Ahead, the few dim light bulbs seemed to stretch into limitless distance.
Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.
So Mr. Dahal now insists that the presidents patience is nearly limitless.
That book of limitless yearning was like an eager bird through the clouds.
Even if indifference, but he was always a limitless a faith gives teared up.
Each new day holds a bright opportunity, and the possibilities are limitless.
A State had very broad, but not limitless, discretion to decide on expulsion.
I will present them with limitless options but acting has to be right for you.
Looking into the future of our motherland, we see a vista of limitless promise.
展望祖国未来, 前景无限美好。
This limitless love cannot be confined within a limited space it is omnipresent.
这个无边的爱力, 不能关在一个空间里面, 是无所不在。
Wish Christmas of happiness and sweet, bring your family the limitless happiness.
This is the most coveted type of exploit because the possibilities are limitless.
Arriving at the top of the mountain, one can have a limitless vision of the earth.
登上这座高山, 苍莽大地尽收眼底。
It is full of vitality and vigor, with limitless business opportunities everywhere.
After all, the U.S. government has committed virtually limitless funds to this goal.
毕竟, 美国政府已承诺不受束缚资金这一目标的实现。
The sun sends out limitless heat, but most of it disappears through the atmosphere lost.
太阳散发出无法计算的热, 但是大部热消失在空气中。
Second, you may experience exclusive sense of achievement through limitless originality.
Moreover, Shariputra, that Buddha has measureless, limitless SoundHearer disciples. All Arhats.
又舍利佛, 彼佛有无量无边声闻弟子, 皆阿罗汉。
The new music may take on various forms and be capable of expressing an almost limitless range.
The travellers had now only to descend to the Atlantic by limitless plains, levelled by nature.
Communicate continuously Namely without communication of estrangement, it is limitless to communicate.
The second reason is the contradiction caused by the limitation of educators and the limitless of education.
It begins by accepting the reality of limitless abundance, and believing that you can create a wealthy life.
The limitless number of gear ratios also means that the nudging motion caused by shifting is no longer present.
It really became a moment of clarification for me that we need to first be limited in order to become limitless.
那一刻我恍然大悟 我们必须先处于限制中 才能超越限制

单词 limitless 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.无限的,无界限的  [更多..]



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