单词 party 例句大全,用单词party造句:

This Agreement is in triplicate, each of Party A, Party B and mediator keep one copy.
Party B will not transfer the lease of the premises or sub without Party A's approval.
Party B shall still have the ownership of the equipment until Party B is paid in full.
甲方未付清全款前, 设备的所有权仍归乙方所有。
Compromise is anathema to the virulently antitax Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.
Pays special attention to the party and the masses party building work from all aspects.
Some Party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
有得党员就是不讲党性, 坚持搞派性。
Some party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
有的党员就是不讲党性, 坚持搞派性。
The activist have purge the party of moderates or have purge the moderates from the party.
The party was still to be held, but it was an engagement party instead of a birthday party.
and 3. one party forces the other party to sign an arbitration agreement by means of duress.
一方采取胁迫手段, 迫使对方订立仲裁协议的。
The fresh and red party ensign floats an exhibition aweather, the clear party song is moving.
Party A will sell to any third party only on orders previously quoted and approved by Party B.
Party conduct party discipline teaches a of the record check scheme that is party regular job.
According to the court s adjudication,party A should pay party B 500,000 yuan before this date.
Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from obligation.
According to the court's adjudication, party A should pay party B 500,000 yuan before this date.
A party shall give notice to the other party when it ceases to be affected by the force majeure.
当不可抗力的影响终止时, 一方应通知另一方。
On the Promotion of the Opening of Party Affairs by Respecting the Party Members'Subject Position
1 party a foul, the other party may the cue ball placed on mesa arbitrary position began hitting.
一方犯规时, 对方可将主球置于台面任意位置开始击球。
The party appealing is the appellant or petitioner, the other party is the appellee or respondent.
译上诉的一方称为上诉人, 另一方为被上诉人。
Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discarge Party B from its obligation.
All terms applicable to Party A and Party B shall be equal applicable to the new owner and Party B.
The party B shall not sublease any part of the apartment without the written consent of the party A.
Party B pays rent to Party A according to the contract, Party A should rent his house out to Party B.
On the Admittance of Private Enterprise Owners into the Party and the Construction of the Ruling Party

单词 party 释义

  • 单词释义:社交聚会;党,党派;当事人;同类,伙伴  [更多..]



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