单词 persist 例句大全,用单词persist造句:

The committee expects inflationary pressures to persist, it said.
The economic consequences could persist for months, if not years.
We must persist in doing what is right and correct what is wrong.
我们要坚持对得, 改正错得。
A cramp can persist numerous times until it eventually goes away.
Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion?
你们为什么屡次悖逆, 还要受责打吗?
Some motorists persist in disregarding the basic rules of the road.
If everyone votes for him anyway, will he persist with his boycott ?
So as long as you persist your dream, god will make way for you!
Intraabdominal gas can persist for a day or two following celiotomy.
Persist in efforts to do our best to treat every customer credibility.
努力坚持做到最好, 诚信对待每一个顾客。
In the long term. Failure to persist with reform would also be a danger.
从长期看, 如果不能坚持改革, 也将十分危险。
We should call up all our courage and persist in what you are engaged in.
If symptoms persist for 7 days or worsen, contact a licensed practitioner.
In addition, the tutelage also must persist the same standard all the time.
To persist in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.
however, these associations did not persist when neversmokers were excluded.
然而, 当从未吸烟的人排除后这些关联就不存在了。
The new working schedule will persist or adjust based on the business status.
Remind of that breeze, remind of that as of old youngs the child who persist!
However, if they persist, a switch to another brand of pills may be indicated.
可是, 如果症状持续, 可建议换用另一种牌子的避孕药。
Their impasse will persist until both understand that the debate is incomplete.
只有双方都明白这场争论是不全面的, 僵局才会打破。
Not only does some flickering persist, but interlacing also causes other artifacts.
It seems that you persist in trying to annoy me. What is your purpose for doing this
我的表现一直不太好, 这让我非常苦恼和愤怒
If symptoms of digestive discomfort persist, discontinue use and consult a physician.
如果消化不适的症状加重, 停止使用并就医。
Nothing's impossible and it all depends on man; you would win through if you persist.
Rumours persist that a coup is brewing to oust Steve Ballmer, Microsofts current boss.

单词 persist 释义

  • 单词释义:坚持;固执;存留;继续存在  [更多..]



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