Moderately faster credit growth should perk up the economy in the second half of 2010.
Merchant Slayer TITLE PERK The underground has noticed that you like to kill merchants.
Thief Comrade TITLE PERK You have performed a great service for the thieves of Barcelona.
Traveling for business used to be considered a perk. Nowadays its more often seen as a burden.
Perk up your kids diet by adding more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while cutting back on the junk foods.
让孩子多吃水果, 蔬菜, 全麦食品, 减少垃圾食品摄入。
He forced himself to perk up and make conversation so that his friend wouldnt feel hed been given the cold shoulder.
他强打着精神说话, 怕冷淡了朋友。
The GOP convention display should perk up the ears of some curious attendees, but Norris is most excited about the devices marketing potential.