单词 practitioner 例句大全,用单词practitioner造句:

medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine author of the Hippocratic Oath
When in doubt, consult your physician andor a qualified and trained aromatherapy practitioner.
如有疑问, 请向医生或合格的受过训练的芳疗师请教。
Among them, research is listed as the least important dimension for an entrylevel practitioner.
During Misogi breathing, the practitioner comfortably sits seiza or crosslegged, with spine erect.
Oral contraceptives are dispensed from pharmacies against a prescription by a medical practitioner.
A practitioner shall have food hygiene general knowledge and knowledge of food laws and regulations.
从业人员应当具备食品卫生常识和食品法律, 法规知识。
A discussion on standardized administration of training specialized physicians into general practitioner
Your practitioner would use vacuum extraction for the same reason forceps would be used during delivery.
See your eyecare practitioner at least eery two years for a complete examination, including an IOP check.
至少每两年去做一次全面的眼部检查, 包括眼内压的检测。
In English teaching, the teacher is the beautiful disseminator, the student is the beautiful practitioner.
Daily digestive disturbances should be reviewed carefully, both by the parent and by a health practitioner.
Economic evaluation of a general practitioner with special interest led dermatology service in primary care
If you are suffering from any eye problems consult a contact lens practitioner before wearing contact lenses.
如眼睛有任何疾病, 请询问眼科医生再佩戴隐形眼镜。
But the infinite space just of network media is the obstacle that manacles practitioner concentration content.
The life of a spiritual practitioner is fulfilling and interesting, but it is really no fun when ordeals arise!
Whether on the surface or on the essence, the lay practitioner is always the fundamental force of the Buddhism.
In case that the practitioner is a company, the governing department may be notified to cancel the registration.
In Qing Dynasty government, Li Hongzhang is the main leader and practitioner of the construction of coast defense.
How did the criminal gangs of Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang wash their guilt in collusion with a legal practitioner
张虹张杰良等犯罪团伙, 同法律工作者如何洗罪?
Jimei Group is a practitioner of theory and practice on interior design and decoration, as well as technical training.
Equally humorous was another story dramatization performed by adult initiates, a thief becomes a spiritual practitioner.
Besides, this fellow practitioner also used the shell of the banana buds as an ingredient in a delicious vegetarian fish.
Liu bang, the first emperor of Han dynasty, was the first practitioner of the learning about the Emperor Huang and Lao tsu.
The vast majority of psychiatrists find this to be a boundary issue, which impacts privacy for both patient and practitioner.
One should only take Chinese medicines according to the instructions of a Chinese medicine practitioner under certain circumstances.
遇到某些情况, 则须在中医指导下方可服用中药。

单词 practitioner 释义

  • 单词释义:从业者;执业医生;习艺者;专门人才  [更多..]



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