单词 reliable 例句大全,用单词reliable造句:

He wants to reassure Asian allies that US will be a reliable partner.
Our water submetering equipment is inexpensive, accurate and reliable.
我们的分水表设备便宜, 准确, 可靠。
LDC has reliable effects in treating acute infection of biliary tract.
It is reported on reliable authority that what they said is. reliable.
As a product of famous trademark, it is aBsolutely reliaBle in quality.
本品驰名商标, 质量绝对可靠。
Plus the motor shaft axis, concentricity absolutely right and reliable.
泵轴为电机加长轴, 同心度决对可靠。
Because of his mental agitation, no reliable history could be obtained.
因为他有精神激动, 无法获得可靠的病历。
He's not as quick anymore but he will always be reliable in the clutch.
AC. mechanical limIt'structure, exact limIt'setting steady and reliable.
交流。机械限位结构, 精确定位, 稳定可靠。
Contemporary Indian accounts, particularly dates, are not very reliable.
当代印度人的记录, 尤其是有关日期方面的很不可靠。
The computation results of aerodynamic characteristic are also reliable.
All information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable.
It was concluded that the reagent strip method was accurate and reliable.
结论是该试纸条法准确性较高, 结果可靠。
Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
German diaphragm pump and imported accessories, high quality and reliable.
Free from the influence of ambient temperature, it is stable and reliable.
不受环境温度影响, 稳定可靠。
This system provides the reliable foundation for antisubmarine assessment.
The simulation of computer shows the algorithm is reliable and practicable.
经计算机模拟验证, 此算法确实可行可靠。
Conclusion This animal model is reliable of cardiac allograft vasculopathy.
It is reliable adjustor for improving immunity ability and aging resistance.
Scheduled flight, reliable air routes and wide choices in airline companies.
ABC Company has always been a pleasant and reliable firm to do business with.
The reliable antivirus software, which keeps your computer away from viruses.
可靠的防毒软件, 使你的计算机远离病毒。
Actual application shows that the results of data fitting are rather reliable.
实际应用表明, 拟合结果具有较高的可信度。
The aircraft engines, autopilot, and navigation system are absolutely reliable.

单词 reliable 释义

  • 单词释义:可信赖的;可靠的  [更多..]



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