A primary clinical assessment of renown eye drops on asthenopia
Little female thief, this renown money salangane, caricaturist.
Great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent renown.
His current project is the sequel of the worldwide renown Ghost Recon.
Where the picturesque beauty with porcelain renown domestic and foreign.
Chocolate has long been renown for its remarkable effects on human mood.
Besides, renown division gives Gao Tu, 10 years of grind, is kongfu shallow
再说, 名师出高徒, 10年苦学, 功夫能浅了吗?
He is called out come a renown painter, draw wonderful scenery of a Linquan.
These departments, named after the disciplines, produced experts of world renown.
这些部门, 命名, 在训练, 生产世界名望的专家之后。
He then sacrificed himself to save his people and win eternal renown for himself.
Your name, O LORD, endures forever, your renown, O LORD, through all generations.
耶和华阿, 你的名存到永远。耶和华阿, 你可记念的名存到万代。
Likewise renown decays faster and you eat more food, all to make sitting around worse.
They bore children to them the same were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
他们生了孩子他们就是古代的英雄, 著名的人物。
It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Ye Shibin is an outstanding poet of world renown.
Southwest phoenix You Shan, fabulous Feng Aoxiang having celestial being hereat and renown.
The siege, in which Aubusson was wounded three times, enhanced his renown throughout Europe.
围城期间, 德?奥布森三度负伤, 也为之赢得在欧洲各地的名声。
Bought house is period room, next year consign, think now a renown give up, OK How to change.
He is a fencing master of great renown, and a passionate collector of famous foils and blades.
他是一个著名的剑术大师, 以及一个热情的名器收集者。
In the intersts of renown the forwardness should lie chiefly in the capacity to handle things.
The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor.
This circumference in vast mistcovered water 1000 meters small skerry namely shoe hill, renown
浩淼烟波中这座周长1000米的小石岛即鞋山, 又名。
This has earned it the renown and sobriquet The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants.
Maya Deren, an American director and actress, is renown as the mother of Americanunderground film.
Sha Wan leaves agrarian hall renown He old ancestral hall, it is Sha Wan the old ancestral hall of He clan.
Since then Gracilaria Fissidens Royal Vermicelli doubled its value and it was renown throughout the country.
从此龙凤贡面身价倍增, 饮誉四方。