Take a at the styles we offer in our Breitling replica watch collection.
Demotic script on a replica of the rosetta stone on display in Magdeburg.
I have a replica on my desk to remind me that my job is not yet finished.
我的办公座上有一件复制品, 它提醒我, 我的工作还未完成。
Also, the signature applies to any exact digital replica of the document.
I have seven years working experience selling brand replica watches in GZ.
Preliminary study on celadon in Song Dynasty of Yaozhou Kiln and its replica
The number of file updates and deletes performed on this replica set member.
Therefore, it is possible to have different expiration policies per replica.
因此, 每个副本可以有不同的过期策略。
Without the replica authentication would stop while the backup is in progress.
如果没有复制, 在进行备份的时候将会停止验证。
My Dead Sea scroll is a replica that comes in its own little clay jar with a lid.
No matter from which replica the client reads, it always get a consistent answer.
无论客户端读哪个冗余副本, 都可以获得一个同步的返回值。
Glass replica of the Maitreya temple of the wind, dominated the glass Micas heart.
Aesthetically, this house is a sculptural and abstract replica of a traditional house.
Arsenal stopped printing replica shirts with the forward's name on the back last week.
The chrysanthemum like silver grains can be found on the freeze replica of each group.
The cumulative number of replica sets to which this computer has been added as a member.
The number of local plus remote file updates that were aborted on this replica set member.
The new database can then send backfill requests as needed to fill in the replica content.
然后, 新数据库会根据需要发送回填请求以填充副本内容。
Supporters of the charity can buy a piece of the replica with the money going to Hope House.
支持慈善的人可以买一件复制品, 而钱会捐给希望之家。
Emergence an earlier version,a replica of the security features of less easily identifiable.
Emergence an earlier version, a replica of the security features of less easily identifiable.
This is because a global catalog server holds a partial replica of every object in the forest.
Human replica droids represent the pinnacle of numerous technologies, and are extremely expensive.
全仿真机器人是许多顶尖技术成果的象征, 价格极其高昂。
The catalog servers coordinate the placement of the primary and replica grids across the collective.
A watercolour replica of the painting in Birmingham produced between 1864 is held by the Tate Britain.