单词 repression 例句大全,用单词repression造句:

Corruption, economic mismanagement, repression and instability will proliferate.
Our ancestors were sent there from the Crimea at the time of Stalin's repression.
They have been victims of State terrorism and repression of the most brutal sort.
Israel's longstanding policy of repression and aggression shows no sign of ending.
Dialogue and agreement should outline the new cycle, over violence and repression.
By resorting to repression, Beijing can easily contain the disruption in Xinjiang.
Savage repression in order to repel the armed forces, engaged in a fierce struggle.
The daily oppression and repression of Palestinian victims is beyond comprehension.
In the aftermath of fighting or repression, people are often told to forget things.
The people were borne down by universal poverty, disease, illiteracy and repression.
人民却被普遍的贫穷, 疾
A special law on the prevention and repression of domestic violence had been adopted.
It described the women under repression and gradually awake to revolt the patriarchy.
Catabolite repression is considered as a main factor controlling yield of cellulases.
Aristocracy to maintain its rule, the people and the brutal repression of Christians.
The repression of Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories continues unabated.
And occurrences of civil war and repression have declined since the end of the Cold War.
同时内战和镇压 自冷战结束后也已经显著减少了
It has also brought economic collapse, political repression and thoroughgoing corruption.
也带来了经济崩溃, 政治镇压和彻底腐败。
If there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with with a firm hand of stern repression
如果有人叛国, 我们将毫
Benefits encouraging the body, eliminate physical repression, fostering selfregulation body.
益处振奋肉体, 消弭肉体压制, 培育自律肉体。
A similar kind of repression happens at Christmastime.We hear that a virgin will be with child.
在圣诞节期间, 我们同样也会刻意不去思想某些事情。
Results Fengshe capsule has an strung repression on entity lump, it can also make life longer.
Due to longterm financial repression, which makes the financial system operating inefficiencies.
由于长期的金融压制, 使得国内金融体系运行效率低下。
Condemn the squash and repression of French government on the justicial actions of Corsica people.
Under financial repression, access to external finance in an economy is regulated by the government.
在融资管制下, 一个经济体系获得外部融资是受政府约束的。
You could argue that, at the very least, companies should not become agents of repression themselves.
你可以说, 最起码, 企业自身不应助纣为虐。

单词 repression 释义

  • 单词释义:压抑;约束;抑制,镇压  [更多..]



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