The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish.
Appropriate at sluggish of Yu blood block do not ejaculate disease.
After two decades of sluggish growth, output has soared since 1978.
Although she is lazy and sluggish, she is keen and neat in her work.
Knowledge flows through the company in a sluggish and erratic manner.
We felt sluggish on such a boiling hot day and could only slop around.
在如此酷热的天气下, 我们动也不想动, 只能懒洋洋地走。
Doctors are allowing older and more sluggish kidneys to be transplanted.
She made all European progress seem sluggish and tentative by comparison.
Auto sales nationwide were characterized as slow or sluggish, the Fed said.
Retail sales have remained sluggish in recent months amid high unemployment.
近几个月来美国零售额依然疲软, 失业率高居不下。
While the export growth of the economy of transition remains sluggish in2006.
Certain explosives are so sluggish that they require more powerful initiation.
Obama wanders into a casual disquisition about the sluggish nature of democracy.
The sluggish of antrum room block of provisionality sees at vagus tension heighten.
One, serious economic sluggish bilges 1991 after Russia disintegrate, russia became
一, 严重的经济滞胀1991年苏联瓦解后, 俄罗斯成了一个。
There has appeared the problem of overstocking and sluggish sales of consumer goods.
A gadfly is a large fly that continually bites and arouses a horse that is sluggish.
牛虻是很大的苍蝇, 不断地叮和唤醒那些动作迟缓的马。
More importantly, exports, which were sluggish for the past few years, have revived.
Your program helped me fix my sluggish computer, and it also accelerated the boot up.
你的计划帮助我解决我的电脑缓慢, 也加快了开机注册。
The tide, which had been running so fiercely up the river, was sluggish as it turned.
One of the issues spooking Asian investors is the sluggish nature of growth in Europe.
吓坏亚洲投资者的问题之一是, 欧洲经济增长的缓慢性。
You tend to eat fattening foods, to be sluggish and indolent, and to dislike exercise.
你喜欢吃含油脂量过高的食物, 细嚼慢咽是你的特色。
This wide and sluggish river was the Coppermine. That shining sea was the Arctic Ocean.
这条宽阔缓流的河就是铜矿河, 而那闪亮的大海正是北冰洋。
In the U.S. , some dining chains are struggling to keep afloat in the sluggish economy.
在美国, 有些连锁餐厅正在萧条的经济环境中艰难求生。
Issued sluggish signs up for custom golden receipt also is not condemnatory advice note.