Mosquitoes can sniff out an attractive human dinner target from as far as 40 miles.
Dumbledore a great sniff as he took a golden watch from his pocket and examined it.
丹伯多深深吸了一口气, 并从口袋里掏出一只金表来看。
A helicopter that can sniff out cannabis is flying over the skies of the Netherlands.
Dogs have long been used to sniff out explosives, narcotics, and even counterfeit currency.
Automobile black boxes do not record voices or sniff out whether drivers have been drinking.
The poet must have Yong Zhou Road Securinega gold cluster glass, handsching fu came to sniff.
而诗人周必却咏道琉璃叶底黄金簇, 纤手拈来嗅清馥。
In the dry season, aardvarks sniff out the watery melons, digging deep to quench their thirst.
旱季时, 土豚嗅出饱含着水的蜜瓜, 便往深处挖掘以解口渴。
You just walk away congratulating yourself on being able to sniff out an ambush from a mile away.
He was very excited and bouncing up and down, trying to sniff everything in this new environment.
But I did sniff around a little afterwards, and have spoken to three people who were at that meeting.
我后来的确打探了一下, 并且和其中三个与会者聊过。
Dogs are often used in search and rescue operations and to sniff for things like drugs and explosives.