单词 line out 例句大全,用单词line out造句:

Expo plate and triple play line of the stock will break out blowout!
A less combative US line on Taiwan or Tibet should not be ruled out.
See Crossover Feature discussion below for more on Line Out options.
The captain cast off the line and we were soon out in the open water.
船长解开了船索, 我们很快就出航了。
A fisherman was fishing there. The angler reeled out his fishing line.
I must say I thought your behaviour at the party was a bit out of line.
If you dont make a profit you go out of business thats the bottom line.
at some point, cross the line to obsessive. compulsive. out of control.
在某时 越线 变得分心 不由自主 然后不能自拔。
Shanghai and Shenzhen do not rule out the possibility of attack in line.
The final shot dropped right on the side line barely out of their reach.
Since mine is larger, as you can see, the line out the circle is longer.
如你所见, 由于的我的圆更大, 标明圆的线更长。
Make available for reserves menu item was out of line with other options.
His legs gave out just as he crossed the finish line of the 20k marathon.
他一跑过20公里马拉松的终点线以后, 腿就瘫掉了。
If the line matches the regular expression, then you print out that line.
Important manuscripts'check can use the status line so that It'stands out.
Height gauge is widely used for height measurement, line out in machining.
Coordinate Setting out of Center Line and Border Pile for Overpass Ring Road
You bust out some salsa solo moves when waiting in line to use the restroom.
您破灭了一些萨尔萨独奏动作时, 排队等候使用洗手间。
Please fill out at least one of the three boxes in the first line of address.
The captain of the boat cast off the line and we were soon out in open water.
船长解开绳缆, 我侗很快就航行在开阔的水面上。
For one example the compact DS line models appear to be sweet, inside and out.
A cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line.
Just in time but out of line I cant make all the same mistakes you want me to.
The commander ordered the soldier who was out of line to get properly lined up.
The Cause Analysis and the Countermeasure of Get out of Line in Human Experiment
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