单词 Li Bai 例句大全,用单词Li Bai造句:

The Aesthetic Annotation of Li Bai's Double Culture Personality
Choose to live in poetry, Li Bai is the best example of setting.
选择诗意地生活, 李白定是最好的典范。
What Taoist sect with the Taoist theory of Master Li Bai belongs?
Li Bai and the Jiuhua Mountain as A Historic Site of Ancient Poems
A Comparative Study of Poetry About Immortals by Guo Pu and Li Bai
After this, Li Bai began his aimless wanderings all over the country.
以后, 他漫游天下, 行踪不定。
After Li Bai passed away, he was first buried at the foot of Dragon Hill.
李白逝世后, 先葬于龙山。
On the Studies of Li Bai and Du Fu in the 20th Century and Their Difference
An Inquiry into the Reasons Why Li Bai's Poems Were Depreciated and Desolated
Li Bai studied very hard and had an ambition to serve the country in his youth.
Li Bai is the descendent of Li Chong'er, grandson of Li Hao, King Liang Wuzhao.
A Comparative Study of Li Bai's and Wordsworth's Two Poems on Landscape Paintings
All these lead to a conclusion that LI Bai is not a thinker in traditional sense.
所以 李白不是传统意义上的思想者。
At that time Li Bai enjoyed playing everywhere and dropped out of school halfway.
Pavilion named after the spectacular climb of Li Bai's poetry of heaven and earth.
Assumption of the Emotional Estrangement Between Li Bai and Du Fu in Their Old Ages
Li Bai, whose courtesy name was Taibai, was also known as the Hermit of Green Lotus.
李白, 字太白, 别号青莲居士。
The Influence of Confucianism, Taoism and the Knightly Spirit on Li Bai's Personality
The famous Tang Dynasty poets Li Bai and Qian Qi spoke highly of his calligraphy works.
A New Study of the Friendship Between Li Bai and Meng Haoran in Their Middle and Late Lives
The Change between Li Bai and Du Fu and the Cultural Thinking Trend Transition in Tang Dynasty
Li Bai sprinkle Jiudong go, put aside the author's refined image of the sky to go out laughing.
Bao Dai five years, Mongol heavy snow, Li Jing summon ministers CASTLE Bai Yan Z, compose poetry.
On the sentimentalism idiosyncracy of Bai juyi and Li shangyin's poems and its influence on poems
Being Accepted and Depreciated of LI Bai's Poems as the Highest Paragon of the Tang Dynasty's Poetry
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