单词 know how 例句大全,用单词know how造句:

You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.
So the question is, we know how to hold government accountable.
Check the following URL and you will know how to add an Avatar.
How do I know how much space I am using for Directory Exclusion
You don't know how much you mean to me, ie how much I like you.
To know the process of barbola, and know how to make a barbola.
使学生了解剪贴画的步骤, 掌握剪贴画的制作。
Have you tried the barn You know how much she adores the animals.
She admitted to herself she didn't know how to handle the problem.
If you know how to take advantage of life, life time is long enough.
I don't know how he can make such an accusation without any evidence.
People dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.
人们不关心你知道多少, 直到他们知道你关怀多少。
Franlein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother Abbess has told you ?
玛丽亚小姐, 我不知道院长嬷嬷都跟你说了些什么?
If you are an advertiser, you know how you like it or not Google ads ?
They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
他们不懂什么是加减, 他们只认字母。
You at heart contradictory I to know how you know should end the choice.
你的心里矛盾我知道, 你不知该怎末选择。
To know the process of folding paper, and know how to fold a paper crane.
使学生了解折纸鹤的步骤, 掌握折纸鹤的制作。
A student should know how to make use of time and accumulate the knowledge.
I don't know how to learn English well. I hope you can give me some advice.
We may not know the answers, but we at least know how to ask the questions.
Captain Fraulein Maria, I dont know how much the Mother Abbess has told you.
I was bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to act.
我被他们尔此矛盾的意见搞迷糊了, 不知怎样去做才是。
The know? how tells one all the details of how to manufacture the equipment.
I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books.
You know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner.
你知道我一向多么讨厌跳舞, 除非跟特别熟的人跳。
Question Do you know how much time the average adult spends waiting every day.
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单词 know how 释义

  • 单词释义:懂得如何做;能;专门知识;技术诀窍  [更多..]



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