单词 ring in 例句大全,用单词ring in造句:

In Portugal and the south of France the bull is not killed in the ring.
在葡萄牙和法国南部的斗牛中, 斗牛场上公牛不会被杀死。
Those are blunt, unyielding admonitions that ring in my head every day.
Amatador stands with cape at the ready in a bullfighting ring in Spain.
西班牙一个斗牛场, 一位拿着披风的斗牛士做好了行动准备。
Influence of Loading Sequence on Main Arch Ring in Spandrel Construction
Beibei is accomplished in water sports and reflects the blue Olympic ring.
Archives of the North Ring with one of the six bus companies in the south.
档案馆, 北二环内有一个, 在公交六公司南边。
Effect of Metallographic Structure of Ring on Geometry Accuracy in Grinding
We've got a counterfeit ring in Bogota responsible for several dead bodies.
Research of mechanism of a floating ring in the floating ring bearing system
But if you try and creat a ring or amulet, its quite random in which you get.
但如果您尝试和开创环或护身符, 其相当随机在你得到的。
Small cake in the form of a ring or twist or ball or strip fried in deep fat.
They were dressed in climbing suits and the ring was attached to a safety rope.
Effect of Arch Ring Configuration on Stress in Arch Dam and Dam Abutment Stability
Regularity of oil and gas accumulation in the east ring zone of Pen1 Well West Sag
Clinical pathologic characteristics of signet ring cell cancer in gastroscope biopsy
Trunk line in ring configuration appropriate valves, cut off for inspection purposes.
Fiber ring is complete person, crossed incision is in in apophysis with small dagger.
纤维环完整者, 用小尖刀在隆起处作十字切开。
In both cases, the attractive gravity of a satellite appears to repulse ring material.
She hopes for the first bell to ring in time for Ethiopia s wheat harvest in December.
Clinical characteristics of signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach in advanced stage
Fission in a Graduated form is an Apparent Characteristics of the Nebulous Ring Formation
In this work, a new architecture for a ring resonator tunable optical filter is proposed.
Stime to ring farewell to the century of physics and ring in the century of biotechnology.
现在是告别物理学世纪, 迎接生物技术世纪的时候了。
Application of roots pump systems with water ring in the physical refining of rice bran oil
Objective To evaluate the value of transvaginal ultrasound in contraceptive ring abnormality.
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单词 ring in 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>签到;与…通电话;在…响起;鸣钟迎来  [更多..]



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